21.10.2022 – 17.11.2022

Tor Artspace, Hanauer Landstraße 171, 60314 Frankfurt am Main

Start to Finish
A group show with: James Beatham / Magdalena Bichler / Elizabeth Charnock / Diana O. Häfner / Joe Highton / Zoé Hopf / Valentina Jaffé / Lucia Kempkes / Anne-Kathrin Kühner / Danielle Magee / Alexandra Müller / Anna Nero / Lucy Nixon / Myriam Perrot / Marten Schech / Lucia Szych / Tatsuma Takeda / Marcel Walldorf / Ernie Wang

“Start to Finish” brings together works by 19 contemporary artists whose practices are distinguished by a focus on process and materiality.  While some use methods rooted in the tradition of craft, others have developed their own meticulous systems to shape familiar media, taking us on a journey through the results of their manual explorations. Start to Finish is a showcase of the interplay between thinking, making, and final object.

As the act of making informs the end result, the evidence of the makers’  hand is often present and this physicality draws attention to the relation between the artist’s body and the object being crafted. Focus is thus cast onto the spatialisation of the pieces in terms of perspective, scale and relation. Start to Finish explores these common motives, building an expanded landscape where result-oriented values and a focus on process both intersect and transform one another.

The curation of the space ranges from small, intricate pieces to large-scale, spatial installations. This aims to relay the importance of the body to object relationship to the spectators, the relative visibilities of process-driven practices, and perpetuate the question of physicality and spatial awareness. This parallels the relation between artist to object, and object to audience, inserting new modes of creation into spectation.

Curated by: James Beatham, Elizabeth Charnock, Lucy Nixon and Myriam Perrot.

Photos by Steffen Lehr

5-7 November 2021

Exhibition with Delfina Carmona, Justina Leston and Lucía Szych in Hilbert Raum, Berlin.


Three points as part of three convergent lines, these are the minimum amount of elements for the creation of a distinguishable area.

This exhibition suggests a subjective cutting through time and space of the work of three Argentine artists, whose paths intersect at the city of Berlin. Here they find and observe each other, they study their ways,techniques and their relationship. As a result they offer us a universe of reinterpretations. Their work accounts for the forces of the collective, for the importance of one Other, who would help us rediscover and thus resignify ourselves. Always.

Because there are no isolated points in space, but an infinite network of relationships. And from each encounter results a possibility of new hybrids that refuse to be crystalized in a permanent form.

This dialogue is ephemeral. It offers us a moment of pause and observation.The gestures of the artists converse and contribute to trace new forms, which were not visible nor possible until then. The microcosmos created by the images of Carmona, Leston and Szych combines the rigurosity of shapes with the fragility of time.

Dreieck is an ode to geometry and its many times ignored underlying sensitivity.

Curatorial text by Florencia Giudici


Tres puntos proponen tres líneas convergentes, que es la medida mínima para la creación de  un área reconocible.

Esta exposición propone un recorte subjetivo en el tiempo y el espacio del trabajo de tres artistas argentinas, cuyo recorrido se cruza en la ciudad de Berlín. Allí se encuentran, se observan, estudian las relaciones de sus formas, de sus modos y nos ofrecen un universo de reinterpretaciones, que
da cuenta de la fuerza colectiva, de la necesidad de un otro para reverse y así resignificarse. Siempre.

Pues no existen puntos sueltos en el espacio, sino una red infinita de relaciones y de cada encuentro, surge una posibilidad de híbridos nuevos que se niegan a la cristalización en una forma definitiva.

Este diálogo es efímero. Nos propone un momento de pausa y observación. Sus gestos conversan y se potencian para trazar una forma que antes no era visible. El microcosmo que crean las imágenes de Carmona, Leston y Szych combina la rigurosidad de las formas con la fragilidad del tiempo.

Dreieck es una oda a la geometría y a la sensibilidad que cabe en ella, muchas veces ignorada.

Texto curatorial por Florencia Giudici

Photos by Justina Leston

Copyright Lucía Szych, 2022 © All rights reserved.